HE Anno 1404 Venedig SBM Vers 1 Anno 1404 Venedig SBM Vers 3

  • So you have problems installing SBM 3.2 right ?? What is not working ?? Did you read the installation description ??

    1) Make a complete copy of your main game to any location.

    • Main Game: Anno 1404 + Addon + Patch 2.1 ------ Anno 1404 Königs-Edition + Patch 3.1------ Anno 1404 Gold-Edition Vers.

    2) Download SBM 3.2

    3) Unzip the packed file.

    3) Run application / installer SBM 3.exe.

    4) Follow the installation instructions.


    If it doesn't work with the installer try manual... Without the Installations.exe...

    Make as usual a copy of your original Anno 1404 game on the harddisk where you install your games. It doesn't matter if you rename the copy or not.

    Then delete the folders "addon" and "maindata" completely -----screenshot 1------

    Then you unzip (surely already done) the download of the MOD

    Then you unzip again the packed file "SBM 3.2-FILES"-----screenshot 2-------

    When unzipped you will see the folders "addon" and "maindata". ----screenshot 3----

    Copy them completely into the game folder where you have deleted the mentioned files before.

    Then start the application "Addon.exe".

  • Hello all,

    I am having installation trouble and would appreciate any help. I bought Anno 1404 Gold Edition from GoG, and made sure that the Venice addon was up to date (version 2.1). I have installed the mod a dozen times but it never shows up in the game / appears to have any impact. After failed attempts through following the instruction, I tried other ways of installing it such as:

    Running both the mod installation and the game As Administrator

    Opening the directory and installing inside the folder (I know your'e not supposed to, I'm trying anything)

    Installing the mod and files inside the game directory

    I downloaded the games install files Separate from Gog Launcher and installed manually on my computer, also using the same steps above.

    I even bought Anno 1404 Venice Edition Addon disc on Ebay just to see if I could install the addon separately and try modding there; which failed because it states "the setup has detected no version of anno 1404".

    Am I missing something here? Steam offers the history edition, although it has poor reviews and I am skeptical to spend any more money to make this work ... but I really want this to work. Perhaps the Gold Edition offered through GoG requires a different installation method? I honestly don't know anymore. Well, thanks for anyone who reads this. The mod looks amazing, I hope to get to the bottom of this.

  • First of all...The SBM 3.2 is not compatible with the History Edition...The MOD for the 1404 HE-Edition is not ready...It will be ready when UBI fixes the dx9 problem...

    If you follow the steps as in the message above, the MOD should run.

    Then maybe still.

    After the installation you have to start the game with the "Addon.exe". Not with the "Anno4.exe"

  • First of all...The SBM 3.2 is not compatible with the History Edition...The MOD for the 1404 HE-Edition is not ready...It will be ready when UBI fixes the dx9 problem...

    If you follow the steps as in the message above, the MOD should run.

    Then maybe still.

    After the installation you have to start the game with the "Addon.exe". Not with the "Anno4.exe"

    I really appreciate the advice. I have started the game with addon.exe aka Venice addon. I only asked about the HE because I'm clearly not sure what version works. If I'm missing something from the instructions then I own that is my fault. Beyond HE not being compatible, this information provided is nothing new to me.

  • @ Yannman: for the Gold Edition, you also need the Königs-Edition patch:


    This is Very interesting, I downloaded it but I get a message stating, "No version of Anno Gold Edition detected". I have placed the patch file inside of Anno Directory and it still gives me this message. Is this patch needed for IAAM mod or SBM? Neither mod has actually worked for me yet. Hopefully this patch will change things...

  • Look ta this link you can follow this. Yes it is for the IAAM Mod but it works the same way I just installed the SBM 3.2 doing it his way.


    Dave you're an absolute legend. This actually worked! It seems a bit buggy but my god it is working! IAAM is even better than I could of imagined too. For now I'm just gonna enjoy this and one day see if this will work for SBM. Thank you you gorgeous person. :och

  • Jake I have been here from day on all the Anno games. I started out on the old Sunflowers forum where these 1st started. Plus that link was to the really old from. I have updated to a new link it is easier to read.

    Plus I have made some maps for the Iaam too.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 Mal editiert, zuletzt von dave62 ()

  • Thanks again everyone for the help, I'm so fortunate to have met you all! I am new to the Anno games, as well as this community, and I'll be sticking around for good now!

    Gonna go soak up this amazing game and mod for a while. 8)

    Much love, stay safe.

  • Es wird behauptet, dass ein Modder eigentlich kaum noch Spielt sondern lediglich seine Ergebnisse und neuen Errungenschaften kurz testet, abfeiert und dann in´s Öffi jagt. !!:P:W:D

    Wenn dass hier aber Wirklichkeit wird:


    Game Update 1.3 für die History Collection

    Heute möchten wir euch zudem ein Update zur Situation rund um die Performance der Anno 1404 History Edition geben. Als wir die History Edition vor knapp einem Monat veröffentlicht haben berichteten einige von euch von Problemen mit der nicht zufriedenstellenden Performance, die teilweise weit unter der des Originalspiels lag. Zudem war es nicht mehr möglich DirectX 10 als bevorzugte API anstelle von DirectX 9 auszuwählen, wodurch ein auch ein paar Grafikeffekte nicht verfügbar waren.

    Die gute Nachricht ist das wir fleißig am Werk waren und diese Probleme bald mittels des Game Updates 1.3 angehen wollen. Damit wird es zunächst einmal möglich sein DirectX 10 und die damit verbundene Transparenz-Option im Grafik-Menü zu aktivieren.

    Wir haben auch große Fortschritte bei der Performance gemacht, und die meisten Spieler sollten jetzt mindestens eine Performance ähnlich der im Originalspiel genießen können. In vielen Situationen wird die History Edition jetzt zudem flüssiger laufen als das Original, und das teilweise auch sehr deutlich. Ein Aspekt, auf den wir unsere Bemühungen besonders konzentriert haben, ist die Performance bei größeren Städten jenseits der 100.000 Einwohner..............


    dann wird auch für mich eine neue SBM-Zeit anbrechen. Endlich mal das ganze Baumenü bis zum letzten ausreizen und feiern.:thumbup:^^:wand:wand

    Drückt mal die Daumen, dass das Update 1.3 hält was es verspricht.!!!!

    Ansonsten ---------Die 1404 HE SBM 1.0 steht so weit...--------



  • Gute Nachrichten....!!!!

    Das 1.3 Update hat´s gebracht.....

    Die SBM läuft super klasse....

    Jetzt nur noch ein Paar Texturarbeiten und ab geht´s....

    Mal sehn ob die Version nächste Woche schon online gehen kann...

  • Einfach nur Genussvoll.....

    Hier mal ein Screenshot vom neuen Leuchtturm Hafen....

    Der wird in drei Abschnitten (wie im original IAAM, lediglich etwas abgeändert) gebaut...

    Ihr dürft gespannt sein...