Inoffizeller Anno Addon Mod 1404 ist meine zweite große Modifikation für ein Annospiel.
Genaue Infos über dem Inhalt gibts auf der Website: I.A.A.M.1404 Homepage
Diese Version ist Speziell für die History-Edition gedacht.
Es beinhaltet alles was die vers3.4 auch hat.
Fehler und Fragen bitte hier: I.A.A.M. 1404 History Edition Version 4
Version 4.0.0
I have Anno 1404 HE + Venice V4.00.4253/1.4514.940870
I have download this "nofficial Anno Addon Mod for Anno 1404 History Edition 4.0.0"
a. I Copy\Paste my main 1404 HE folder
b. I installed the mod
c. I copy addon folder and maindata from mod direction and i replace both folders inside to 1404 HE folder
d. replace all files
e. When i start Anno HE 1404.exe or Anno1404Addon.exe game close and return to windows right after intro movie. I cant even see the start menu.
i have test rename folder to many names (anno 1404mod, anno 1404 Anno 1404 History Edition, anno 1404 etc...) none work...
This only happen with I.A.A.M. 1404 History-Edition Version 4.
I.A.A.M. 1404 Version 3.4 is working great!!
Any help? What do i miss in HE!?