Beiträge von agentadFRannofan

    hello ! :hallo

    whats the point exactly to make the corsair fortress "killable" ? what does it give ? :Blume

    it totally bugs the KI ! they all charge the fortress and loose ALL SHIPS ! :nuk

    is there a way to reverse back to original corsair fortress "unkillable" from anno 1404 ? :verrückt

    => if you find a way to fix it, its REALLY important, because it will HELP A LOT the KI developpement, and finally see epic fleet ! :rofl

    because i want to have the corsair port for items and more ! so i wont just "put off" corsairs in my games cause of a failed feature ! :nuk

    note: i try myself to edit the stats to get it back to original "no hp fortress" :zwinker


    i tested again:

    0) opened RDAexplorer
    1) selected patch0 with RDAexplorer
    2) extracted all files in a folder named "patch"
    3) closed RDAexplorer and delete patch0.rda
    4) modified "maxhitpoint" to "achievementship" and "preordership" in assets
    5) opened RDAexplorer
    6) clicked "new"
    7) imported (tools => add folder as root) "patch" folder (so it adds "addondata" and "data")
    8) saved as "patch0.rda"
    9) replaced in game files
    10) started game + start new medium free game
    11) golden ship still has 600 hp :wand

    anything wrong ?

    EDIT: FOUND THE ERROR: the ship id + ship name are AFTER the stats ! :chef i edited the stats after the name/id so i edited the wrong ship :schimpf 

    => i think i will take a really long time to list all the IDs of the playable ships of the game :verrückt

    :Blume :bye thanks for the help :hallo :Blume



    => i open with RDAexplorer patch0.rda
    => i open assets with notepad
    => i edit assets and save
    => RDAexplorer gives a message to accept the new change to assets, i say yes
    => i save patch0.rda (compressed as your screen has shown in another "thema")

    is that right ? (i test by exporting assets and putting it again in patch0.rda but it seems fully saved)

    EDIT: wait i have to extract ALL FILES ? its probably my error :verrückt i go test again

    1. extract all files with RDA Explorer
    2. modify assets.xml for ship stats
    3. No. 2 and 3 is to complex to explain it with a few words.
    3. Pack all files again into rda files using Explorer
    4. DONE

    exactly what i did, but when i start a new game, the ships dont have more hitpoints (it still says 600 and not 1600, i modified "maxhitpoint")

    i modified "achievementship" but when i start a new game it still say the default number (as i explained in 1st post)

    unlock condition seems in assets too as i saw, but chance for objects to appear are in a file no ? in properties ? or assets too ?

    ahoy ! :hallo :bye :hallo

    i still have trouble to mod in 1404 so i need to understand:

    1- :chef how to modify ship stat with RDAExplorerGUI in iaam 1404 ? (what to modify ? where to modify ? how to save ?)
    2- :chef how to modify object chance to appear with RDAExplorerGUI in iaam 1404 ? (what to modify ? where to modify ? how to save ?)
    3- :chef how to modify unlock condition for objects, buildings or ships with RDAExplorerGUI in iaam 1404 ?(what to modify ? where to modify ? how to save ?)

    so i can finally understand how it works :schimpf

    "viele grusse" :och

    the IAAM modify only:

    patch1.rda in maindata
    patch2.rda in maindata

    data2.rda in addon
    patch0.rda in addon

    so i think its not necessary to edit the original data "assets.xml"

    but i probably have to edit the assets in patch0.rda (in addon) AND in patch1.rda (in maindata) ?

    => i certainly missed something, what should i do EXACTLY to edit the stats of a ship for example ? (for example giving 1600 hitpoints to the silvership ? so i can finally understand how to get it to work :schimpf )

    hi (sorry i am french)

    i use RDAExplorerGUI and extracted "assets.xml" from "addon/patch0.rda" (IAAM version) and i tried to give to the golden ship "achievementship" 1600 "treffepunkte" from original 600

    i put the "assets.xml" back in "patch0.rda" with RDAExplorerGUI, and save, start the game ("venedig IAAM") and start with golden ship, but the ship still have 600 points...

    i tested same with small tradeship and small warship, same problem

    => all the changes i try with RDAExplorerGUI are not doing anything :(

    i have much modifications ideas, but how works RDAExplorerGUI ?

    - i tested with "compressing all files" in patch0.rda = game crash
    - i tested with "no compressing" in patch0.rda = no changes in game (the file is MUCH bigger)
    - i tested with "compressing the default files" in patch0.rda = no changes in game (and the file is bigger too)

    => how to mod ? ( i entirely REmodded !deap!70 and play it a great lot but i cant do anything in 1404 :( )

    Nur, um den Unterschied zwischen dem Venezianisch Schiff zu zeigen und Del Torro Schiff (important: Die roten Segel behalten !)

    Sie sind wirklich unterschiedlich !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (gut piraten/korsaren style !!!!)…013/12/1364144021-all.jpg

    Et en francais, on dit "C'est noté" pour dire qu'on est d'accord et qu'on apposerais sa signature?

    du weiss, dass ist die sprache schwierig ^^ , "c'est noté" bedeute "Berücksichtigen" :verrückt , wenn du "ich denke ebenso" sagen wolltest , es ist "je suis du même avis" auf franzosisch

    ja ich bin agentadwinner auf dem andere forum :)

    und eine letzte detail:

    ich finde, dass ist gut "del torro schiffe" (von 1701 der fluss des drachen) zu importieren, und vermehrt diese schiffe im piraten werft ?

    => del torro schiffe muss habe venedig grosse kriegshiffe statistik mit +150 treffepunkte (zwischen okzident und venedig grosse kriegschiffe)…r_Fluch_des_Drachen05.jpg

    ich mag viel diese schiffe !!!! :Blume :coffee :Blume

    und importieren einige "del torro" bauen als okzident bauen variante ist ein gute idee

    :Blume viele grusse !

    Ich verstehe Deutsch weil lernte ich 7 Jahren Deutsch ^^

    Aber ich vergesse viele [color=#0]Wortschatz und anhalte Deutsch studieren (ich studiere nur Mathematiks und Informatik jetzt [/color] :bää [color=#0] )

    Aber ich lese Deutsch weil helfe der [/color][color=#0]Zusammenhang und ich erinern mich an einen kleinen Bisschen
    (ich helfe meinen franzosischen [color=#0]F[/color]reuden [color=#0]mit deutsch [color=#0]M[/color]od)[/color]

    (damn i feel always affraid about writing bad :( )