Beiträge von Plef

    Hi all!! Thirst thank again to all who put time to make this wonderful mod :Blume

    The new addition are great, some music are realy good but some seem to be old and realy bad quality, and also louder than other, I don't know if this is done on purpose.
    Oh and I also have the pipette bug (freeze).

    Thank again ^^

    I'm waiting this v3 since a long time, kind of miss the beta (In fact I was downloading right after it released and with my connection it was taking hours, and I just fought: well the no-beta version will be out in a couple of week, you can wait.... Well month have pass ^^)

    But never-mind can't wait anymore,
    Thank to all who put effort and time to this, great work to all folks ;)

    Hello all,
    As you can see,I speak English, because I don't know one word of German :pfeifen:
    And it is for that I am here, It would be very great if you can do an English version of this wonderful ( :hutab: ) mod for all other people who don't speak German like me (I am French).

    I really hope you will do something, actually in-game there is no description on the new building (maybe it is normal? but I don't think so)

    Thank you for your comprehension. :freunde:

    Ps : Sorry if I post in the wrong section :S