hello, modding problems

  • hi (sorry i am french)

    i use RDAExplorerGUI and extracted "assets.xml" from "addon/patch0.rda" (IAAM version) and i tried to give to the golden ship "achievementship" 1600 "treffepunkte" from original 600

    i put the "assets.xml" back in "patch0.rda" with RDAExplorerGUI, and save, start the game ("venedig IAAM") and start with golden ship, but the ship still have 600 points...

    i tested same with small tradeship and small warship, same problem

    => all the changes i try with RDAExplorerGUI are not doing anything :(

    i have much modifications ideas, but how works RDAExplorerGUI ?

    - i tested with "compressing all files" in patch0.rda = game crash
    - i tested with "no compressing" in patch0.rda = no changes in game (the file is MUCH bigger)
    - i tested with "compressing the default files" in patch0.rda = no changes in game (and the file is bigger too)

    => how to mod ? ( i entirely REmodded !deap!70 and play it a great lot but i cant do anything in 1404 :( )

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

  • You probably have to change the patch8.rda, because Anno always uses the latest .rda.

    Im Ubi-Forum heiße ich Sabine506, im ARRC-Forum Jonas. Fan von IAAM, ARRC und Anno

  • the IAAM modify only:

    patch1.rda in maindata
    patch2.rda in maindata

    data2.rda in addon
    patch0.rda in addon

    so i think its not necessary to edit the original data "assets.xml"

    but i probably have to edit the assets in patch0.rda (in addon) AND in patch1.rda (in maindata) ?

    => i certainly missed something, what should i do EXACTLY to edit the stats of a ship for example ? (for example giving 1600 hitpoints to the silvership ? so i can finally understand how to get it to work :schimpf )

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von agentadFRannofan ()

  • ahoy ! :hallo :bye :hallo

    i still have trouble to mod in 1404 so i need to understand:

    1- :chef how to modify ship stat with RDAExplorerGUI in iaam 1404 ? (what to modify ? where to modify ? how to save ?)
    2- :chef how to modify object chance to appear with RDAExplorerGUI in iaam 1404 ? (what to modify ? where to modify ? how to save ?)
    3- :chef how to modify unlock condition for objects, buildings or ships with RDAExplorerGUI in iaam 1404 ?(what to modify ? where to modify ? how to save ?)

    so i can finally understand how it works :schimpf

    "viele grusse" :och

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

  • hallo,

    hier steht alles was man für den anfang wissen muss, beschrieben: http://www.projectanno.de/forum/index.php?page=Board&boardID=50

    viel spass. :)

    the problem is i havent found the answer of my 3 questions in previous post :hää

    and i want to edit with RDAexplorerGUI, not toolone (toolone is not really working easily...)

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

  • 1. extract all files with RDA Explorer
    2. modify assets.xml for ship stats
    3. No. 2 and 3 is to complex to explain it with a few words.
    3. Pack all files again into rda files using Explorer
    4. DONE

    Viele Grüße

    Eine Software kann gut, schnell und billig entwickelt werden. Suchen Sie sich zwei Eigenschaften aus.

  • 1. extract all files with RDA Explorer
    2. modify assets.xml for ship stats
    3. No. 2 and 3 is to complex to explain it with a few words.
    3. Pack all files again into rda files using Explorer
    4. DONE

    exactly what i did, but when i start a new game, the ships dont have more hitpoints (it still says 600 and not 1600, i modified "maxhitpoint")

    i modified "achievementship" but when i start a new game it still say the default number (as i explained in 1st post)

    unlock condition seems in assets too as i saw, but chance for objects to appear are in a file no ? in properties ? or assets too ?

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

  • addon/patch0.rda


    => i open with RDAexplorer patch0.rda
    => i open assets with notepad
    => i edit assets and save
    => RDAexplorer gives a message to accept the new change to assets, i say yes
    => i save patch0.rda (compressed as your screen has shown in another "thema")

    is that right ? (i test by exporting assets and putting it again in patch0.rda but it seems fully saved)

    EDIT: wait i have to extract ALL FILES ? its probably my error :verrückt i go test again

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 5 Mal editiert, zuletzt von agentadFRannofan ()

  • i tested again:

    0) opened RDAexplorer
    1) selected patch0 with RDAexplorer
    2) extracted all files in a folder named "patch"
    3) closed RDAexplorer and delete patch0.rda
    4) modified "maxhitpoint" to "achievementship" and "preordership" in assets
    5) opened RDAexplorer
    6) clicked "new"
    7) imported (tools => add folder as root) "patch" folder (so it adds "addondata" and "data")
    8) saved as "patch0.rda"
    9) replaced in game files
    10) started game + start new medium free game
    11) golden ship still has 600 hp :wand

    anything wrong ?

    EDIT: FOUND THE ERROR: the ship id + ship name are AFTER the stats ! :chef i edited the stats after the name/id so i edited the wrong ship :schimpf 

    => i think i will take a really long time to list all the IDs of the playable ships of the game :verrückt

    :Blume :bye thanks for the help :hallo :Blume

    Baron Adrien Zanchi
    the security maniac
    shield baner
    ill emperor
    shade color
    silver ship

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von agentadFRannofan ()