SBM Randommap World-very-larg 1.0.0


Randommap World-very-larg für Anno 1404 - History Edition SBM


Unterschiedliche Mapgrößen zur Auswahl für Eure Inselwelt in einem Endlosspiel.

In dieser Datei befinden sich drei "data3.rda".

Unter anderem beinhalten diese RDA´s die randommaptemplate´s

mit den Abmessungen:

  • world_verylarge_island_large 1664x1664 (Originalgröße)
  • world_verylarge_island_large 2048x2048 sowie
  • world_verylarge_island_large 2176x2176

Jeweils die gewünschte "data3.rda" im Spieleordner "addon" austauschen.

Sicherung nicht vergessen. !!

Die Karten sind nicht Save-Game-Kompatiebel.!!

Nach dem Austauschen der RDA´s müsst ihr ein neues Spiel beginnen.!!



Different map sizes to choose for your island world in an endless game.

There are three "data3.rda" in this file.

Among others these RDA's contain the randommaptemplate's

with the sizes:

  • world_verylarge_island_large 1664x1664 (original size)
  • world_verylarge_island_large 2048x2048 and
  • world_verylarge_island_large 2176x2176

Exchange the desired "data3.rda" in the game folder "addon".

Do not forget the backup. !!

The cards are not save-game compatible!

After exchanging the RDA's you have to start a new game!

Viel Vergnügen



  • managed to get it does not create it every game you start koop. if i start multiplayer solo (just to be faster looking for a good seed) it does not work....if i start a multiplayer with an invited player it works (same mod, map ofc)
  • No.....
    • No was wrong. Actually, yes. Only these cards are made for SBM. If you want to use the card in an endless game as multiplayer, it is important that your invited players have the same MOD with the same cards
  • so it does not work on multiplayer i guess? at least i tried it 20 times